Thursday, December 3, 2009

My insights from a potty spill

Yesterday was a big day. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary but just a whole lot of normal, combined with a headache and a missed cup of coffee -- and no, the headache was not caused by the missed cup of coffee ("I'm not that dependent yet" write I, taking a swig of coffee).

For those of you who may not know, I am currently on Maternity leave staying home with two little girls. I have a very busy three-year-old daughter named Bethany, and a ten-week-old baby girl named Grace (Gracie as we call her). Gracie is normally a pretty mellow little baby as far as baby's go but yesterday she was fussy ALL DAY. I think Gracie was reacting to the stress of the day before when she had a few tests done at the hospital. In any case it was constant fussiness and wimpering and not wanting to eat so that took a lot of my attention. Bethany was busy as normal but demanding of attention that I didn't have time to give to her alone. By the evening I was worn out, crabby and probably a little too short with Bethany... regretfully.

My evening was winding down (as was my energy and patience) and I had just finished bathing Bethany and was leaving the bathroom with her to get into her p.j.s when I tripped over her potty chair which was not empty... well actually it was now emptied all over the floor. I grabbed some paper towels and went to clean up the mess and as I was leaning over my now urine covered bathroom floor I was suddenly reminded that being a mom was a privilege. God can bring thoughts to mind and find teachable moments in the strangest of places.

More specifically I was convicted over being short with my daughter. It brought to mind the conversation that I had with Joel a few months back about how our children are not ours but rather God's children entrusted into our care and the responsibility that brings with it. It was truly humbling to reexamine what I sometimes take for granted.

Unfortunately, this is all I have time to write about it at this time but I'll come back to this later... Mommying is calling...

Love, M.


Mama4Real said...

I've never heard God speak through Pee, that's amazing! :)

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