Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Birthday Blog

Today is my birthday. An ordinary day of sorts, especially since this year we are celebrating my birthday on another day (tomorrow actually). I cooked and cleaned and mommied as usual today and was again reminded of how ordinary Birthdays have become for me in some ways. When I was a little girl, I remember looking forward to my birthday for weeks and how the whole day had a special magic about it. When I awoke this morning, it was my husband who first reminded me of my Birthday, and I have since forgotten several times throughout the day. My birthday is still special and I am increasingly content to just share time with my family (not that I mind getting spoiled now and then too).
This year though, I found myself reflecting a lot on my life. There is no denying that I am now officially in my late twenties -- 28 is 2 years from thirty, which seemed so old when I was young, but now feels so ordinary. I have never felt like a real adult, more like an imposter. Maybe this comes from being the youngest of 4 children so I was always trying to act like I was grown up, so now that I have grown up it just kinda snuck up on me :S

... This blog got interrupted and now the thought line is gone. Prehaps I will revisit this at a later time... sorry.

P.S. My Birthday was earlier this week, not today when this was published :)


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