Everyone is crazy to some extent. I realized this for certain while taking psychology courses. When we learn about all the neuroses and psychoses and mood disorders. I could see people I knew all through those. Most of all I could see me. I've known my whole life that I am a little crazy. I like to think that others don't see it (see.. an example of crazy right there), but it's probably quite apparent. For those of you who know me really well, it's probably very apparent.
See, the key about being crazy is to just let it out in small pieces rather than unloading a crapload of crazy on just one person (or group of people), 'cause if you do, you just might end up in the psych ward. To illustrate this, here is yet another perfect clip from Scrubs (yes, I am a bit of an addict to this show). It's just too perfect!
See, I think if people did this then we would have a whole lot fewer people going to therapy.
Note: If you go to therapy, this is by no means a judgment on you... I think it's a very healthy thing to do. Just to clear that up. We all need to let out the crazy now and then.
As for me, I think I'll let out a little crazy into cyber space. Here's a few tidbits on me:
Crazy # 1 - I count syllables of random sentences and tap them out on my fingers over and over until the last syllable ends up on my pinky finger. Why?? Cause I guess I'm a little crazy. I've done this for as long as I can remember.
Crazy # 2 - I have an imaginary audience issue. I suppose it could be classified as a delusion of sorts. I will think way to much of what people might think of me, or who's gong to notice my bad hair day or that big zit on my chin. I know this is a pretty common one. I heard it once said, "You wouldn't worry so much what people think of you if you realized how seldom they did." Definitely words for me to live by. I try to remember that when this crazy sneeks up on me.
And... just for the heck of it here comes Crazy # 3 - If I go into the bathroom at night and don't turn the light on, I can't make myself look into the mirror. There... my secret's out. Probably one too many horror movies growing up. Not sure what exactly I'm scared of seeing in the mirror (except maybe some bad bedhead).
So there you have it... proof of my crazy. I could go on, but I won't.
That was fun. You should all try it.
Love, M
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