Since when has it become accepted to treat one's spouse with disrespect? Don't our wedding vows promise "to honour and to cherish?" Lately, it seems that somehow it has become acceptable and even somehow, sickly, encouraged to dishonour your spouse to others. The media all of a sudden has begun to paint this picture of husbands as emotionally disconnected, steak consuming, fashion challenged, unintelligent meatheads. Did you marry a man like that? I know I didn't! If this was the other way around and everyone was making fun of women, there would be a public outcry.
I think this mindset is contributing to the growing trend of what I call "husband bashing." I am unfortunately hearing more and more of this, from the lunch table where I worked to the lineup in the grocery store: Women speaking ill of their husbands to other women -- sometimes even with children present. It's disgraceful! How sad that women, who should be their husband's biggest advocate, are stooping to this low.
So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna let you in on what a wonderful man I am blessed to call my husband. Here are just a few things that I absolutely love:
1. He is funny! I don't mean kind-of funny, I mean side-splitting-spew-milk-out-of-your-nose funny. He can always make me laugh, even when I don't want to, and a lot of the time he doesn't even have to try.
2. He finds me funny :)
3. He's such a family man. I can always count on him putting the family first. He works to support us, and when he's not at work he's with us. He enjoys spending time as a family.
4. He's an incredible father. We have two little girls and even though he may be exhausted after work, he always makes time to play with them and constantly affirms his love for them. There's no way a day ever goes by without each of them hearing (at least a few times) that he loves them.
5. He is careful with his words. We don't fight. I know that sounds weird, but really, we just don't. In almost 7 years of marriage we have never once yelled at each other, hurled a single insult, or had a serious disagreement that we have not been able to work out. He has never once said anything hurtful about my appearance, parenting skills, or personality (and he probably knows better than anyone how much that could be said). If he notices that there is something that needs improvement, it is always approached in a gentle way, careful not to hurt my feelings.
6. He is an amazing cook and loves to make stuff from scratch. Also, back when I was working early mornings at the hospital, he woke up at 5am with me every morning and made my breakfast while I showered :)
7. This is a favorite of mine: On several occasions I have woken him from a dead sleep and more often than not the first words from his mouth are, "I love you so much."
There...to name a few. I am blessed to have him.
Ladies, let's not put up with husband bashing anymore. We should set the example for how spouses should treat one anther. Let's brag on our men any chance we get! And let it never be from us that anyone would hear anything negative about them.
Well, that's all for now, I guess.
Love, M
Proverbs 12:4 "A wife of noble character is her husband's crown,
but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones."
You are a very lucky woman, Melysa. Your husband is truly a great guy. I did the Bringing Up Boys Bible study by Dr. Dobson and he notes that men are often "bashed" or made to look stupid on TV and in other media, one need not look any further than the children's books like The Berenstein Bears. And when I was a single mom there were a couple "support" groups I left because the women seemed to want to complain about what jerks their baby's daddys were.
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